Spring Fling (Spring 2025)

A new Season has arrived in Bconomy: Spring Fling, the Spring 2025 Event! The snow’s melting, plants are peeking out of the soil, quests have been reset and progression for the new Season has been enabled. With this update comes a slew of new Items and game balance adjustments.

Revamps to the Farm, additional functionality for both new and old Items, a UI refresh, and more exciting features will be arriving over the next couple weeks. I’d hoped that these would have been ready for release by today, but they’re not polished to a level I’m satisfied with yet. Some Items added in this update don’t have uses as a result, but their place in the game will make more sense soon. In the meantime, enjoy the new Season and, as always, thanks for playing!



  • The Spring 2025 Season has begun! Quests have been unlocked, progression has been reset for all players, and new Rewards are available to earn.
    • Trophies have been distributed to the top 10 players of last Season by Quest Level (Congrats to the #1 player, REDRUM#21267)


  • Active buddy loot action multiplier increase per level decreased to 0.001x (from ~0.002x)


  • Maximum FP drain per second increased to 1,500,000 FP/s (from 1,200,000)


  • New Items:
    • Exquisite Trunk: On use, yields very rare items including Diamonds, Oysters, Platinum and Lucky Charms
    • Magic Conch, Untamed Spirit, Seraphic Clasp and Condemned Skull: Rare items that provide 2x boosts to their respective Loot Actions for 4 hours
    • Fragrant Dogrose, Mystical Rowan, Legendary Aguaje: Items that provide temporary boosts to a Pet’s Adventure Speed and Energy Capacity
      • These Items will be rarely yielded from harvested crops in a future update
    • Reaper’s Scythe, Green/Amber/Purple/Red Gemerald: Rare items that will have uses in coming updates
    • Rainmaking Amulet, Gilded Manure, Industrial Fertilizer, Experimental Fertilizer: Standard items that will have uses in coming updates


  • Karmic Reputation (KR): A new currency gained by hosting Giveaways
    • One KR is gained for every 1,000,000 BC worth of Items given away
      • Rare Items given away have a 10x KR Bonus on top of their base worth
    • Loosely inspired by the community’s Reputation system, KR is a way to incentivize high-level players to “give back” to the playerbase by running Giveaways
    • KR will be usable to buy permanent cosmetics like exclusive Pet modifiers, UI/Profile themes, special Trophies, and more
      • Cosmetics available to purchase will be time-limited and rotate based on the current Season but, once bought, will be owned permanently

Supporter Perks

Hey folks! This update introduces ways for players to support Bconomy financially. We’ve seen an increase in new players recently, and, along with that, server issues! That’s great! (sarcasm) Adding monetization features isn’t my favorite use of dev time, but it’s clearly necessary now for the long-term growth and survival of the game.

I’ve introduced some minor perks for those who generously support Bconomy with a few dollars each month. I will add more and more benefits to the subscription over time, and promise to keep them non-P2W for as long as possible. If Bconomy has brought you any enjoyment, I hope you’ll consider sparing a few bucks each month to keep the game alive.

This update is a bit sparse in terms of actual content. A ton of exciting features are planned for the next one, dropping March 1st! A huge expansion to the Farm, a new Season (with new Items, Global Events, and Quest Rewards to earn), and naturally dropping Specials are just on the horizon. Good things are worth waiting for!


Ball Pit

  • Ball Pit is now drawn more often, every 15 minutes (from 1 hour)


  • Noetic Pulsator global cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (from 5 minutes)


  • Potential fixes for lag issues caused by Faction recruitment system

Sights and Sounds

A game update for Bconomy has been released.



  • Introducing the Bconomy Radio – a proper soundtrack for our game is finally here!
    • The Web Client now streams 70+ curated background tracks, including 2 contributed by our very own KyFer! (“Pixel Dreams”, “Tranquil Vibes”)
    • Just like a radio station, every player logged into the Web Client hears the exact same music stream
    • Soundtrack info is now displayed in Web Client’s footer when advancing to next track (Desktop only)
  • It’s so exciting to finally release the Bconomy Radio after planning its implementation for so long! As long as music streaming proves to be stable, this opens up future possibilities like song requests, seasonal soundtracks, event-based themes, and more!


  • New graphics have been introduced for some Items, replacing previous placeholder icons


  • New graphics have been introduced for all Specials, replacing previous placeholder icons

Web Client

  • Setting to enable streaming HQ audio from the Bconomy server has been added
    • This improves the quality of music played, but consumes more bandwidth (so it’s turned off by default)
  • Currently active chat channel is now preserved when web client is reloaded
  • Fine-grained volume controls for each sound category (Music, SFX) have been introduced
  • Fixed an issue where some emojis would not display properly in popup modals
  • Fixed an issue where toast notification positioning was off on mobile displays
  • Fixed an issue where some players with linked Discord accounts could not send messages in web chat

The Boss Fight Update

A major game update for Bconomy has been released.



  • Introducing BOSS FIGHTS! A global event that spawns semi-rarely, Boss Fights allow every online player to participate in taking down a Boss that drops epic loot when someone delivers the killing blow.
    • Read all about what Boss Fights have to offer in the newly added Bosses section of the Game Manual! I’m going to avoid repeating myself in this changelog because I’ve already documented everything there in detail…
  • New Stat tracked for lifetime Boss Damage dealt


  • Introducing Weapons, a new class of item!
    • Like Bosses, this new feature is documented in the updated Game Manual and you can go ahead and read about it in there
  • Bounties, rewards from killing a Boss, have also been added
    • These items will drop rare loot for their associated Loot Action on use (this hasn’t been implemented yet. Soon…)
  • Removed Items: Sprinkler, Anvil, Bacon Snack, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Pastry, Meaty Nuggets, White Rice, Sushi, Cheddar Cheese, Hamburger, Fishwich, Butter, Buttered Waffle, Magic Hoe

Game Manual

  • Game Manual is now viewable on Discord Bot using /gamemanual (or /manual, /bhelp, /help, /gm)
  • New Game Manual organization method: Categories have been replaced with parent pages and sub-pages
  • Added more Game Manual pages about new and existing content


  • New Specials: Fairy Ring, XenoServer, Golden Lariat, Forged Banknote
    • These are currently only obtainable as a Boss drop
    • These Specials are earnable in-game, but can’t be used yet…


  • Several display and QoL improvements to both Web Client and Discord Bot
  • Web Client Items view now segregates Boosts and Weapons for easy organization


  • Backend update to handle Bulk Inputs, a QoL feature for Pets and Bosses
    • Multi-select Items to use them in bulk for an action, or select “Use Everything”, and Bconomy will attempt to intelligently use your Items in the most beneficial way
  • Finding a Rare Item will now broadcast a message to Global chat and grant you the “Lucky” Trophy.
  • Internal code improvements
  • Removed /about command

The Quests Update: A Cold Start

A major game update for Bconomy has been released.



  • Another long-awaited Bconomy feature revamp has arrived with the Quests rework and (re-) introduction of Seasons!
    • Seasons are in-game events that persist for several months, accompanied by themed limited-time loot, event-related gameplay changes and UI decor
    • The Winter 2024 Season – “A Cold Start” – has begun as soon as this update changelog is published! Log in and check it out!
  • Quests now come in sets – each Quest in a set must be fully completed before rewards can be claimed
    • Quests no longer require a cooldown for rerolling, and more quests are available to complete immediately once you claim rewards for a set
    • Progress through each Season by successfully completing Quests to increase your Quest Level!
    • Higher Quest Levels improve the Item, Special and Trophy rewards you receive for submitting each set of quests, but Quest difficulty will increase with Quest Level as well
    • Quest Level is now displayed on your Profile and is tracked on the Quest leaderboard
    • Quest rewards for each Level are displayed on the in-game interface
  • Veteran players will remember Campaigns, a similar, previous gameplay element that Seasons aims to serve as the spiritual successor to. I hope Seasons brings back the excitement of a limited time in-game event while building on that system with improvements!


  • Each player can now set a fixed Title independent of their current Rank
    • Players can use any Rank Title they have previously achieved
  • Trophies have been reworked so that each in-game Trophy now has a Title associated with it
    • Once a Trophy has been achieved, you can use that Trophy as your in-game Title for bragging rights!
    • Trophies can no longer be displayed on the “Triumphs” section of your profile
    • Some Legacy trophies were not migrated to the new system and have been removed
  • Several Rank Title names have been changed to be more gender-neutral
    • “Prefer Feminine Title” setting has been removed in favor of unified, gender-neutral Rank titles


  • Buddy contribution to current Action multiplier decreased to +0.01x per 5 levels (from 4 levels)
  • Significant improvements to Pets overview on Web Client


  • New: Eternal Snowflake
    • A seasonal Item that, on use, resets all Action cooldowns fully! 10 minutes must pass before this item can be used again
  • New: DX Coolant
    • A seasonal Item that prevents Generator overheat when applied! As Generator overclocking is still in development, this item can’t actually be used for now
  • Removed: Hearty Loaf, Seasoned Potato


  • Each Tool level now grants +0.10x multiplier (from +0.15x)
  • Random Personal Boost durations are now 5min for low, 15min for high boosts
  • Random Personal Boost hit rates have been increased significantly


  • New: Forbidden Modifier
    • A cursed Special that allow you to permanently add a Level to a Tool of your choice, even if it would surpass that Tool’s normal leveling limit
  • All Global Action Boost-bearing Amplifiers now grant a 5x Action Boost on use (from 3x)
  • Only 1 Calibrated Amplifier or 2 Calibrated or Arbitrary Amplifiers can be active at once for an action
  • Removed: Mercurial Amplifier


  • Burn rewards have been adjusted for better gameplay pacing
  • Weekly Burn rewards have been implemented in addition to Daily rewards


  • Faction maximum Boost drain per second increased to 1,000,000 FP/s (from 800,000 FP/s)

Game Manual

  • The Game Manual is a new resource players can reference directly from within the Web Client (and coming soon to Discord Bot)
    • As a successor to the classic “bhelp” menu, it aims to provide detailed explanations for Bconomy game mechanics, straight from the developer’s mouth
      • This should serve as a helpful quick start guide for new players, while also including verified, more detailed information even veterans will appreciate
    • The actual content within the Game Manual is pretty sparse at the moment but I will be writing more entries between updates
      • Feedback and revision suggestions are appreciated!


  • Ball Pit is now drawn at 00:30 of every hour to prevent issues with not being drawn due to database operation conflicts
    • Some leaderboard resets may be staggered to prevent similar issues as well