Bconomy “Zero” – Update 1

-Server migration has finished and both web and Discord client are stable. Thanks for your patience!

-Major facelift and redesign was applied to https://bcono.my/ to show registered user count, showcase of Bconomy on web and Discord, provide links to Community server.

-Web Client received multiple changes to improve gameplay and user experience (these were coded months ago, but never made it to Live until today)

-Addressed multiple crippling bugs preventing proper gameplay in the Discord and Web Client. Both should be fully functional once again.

-Re-enabled chat relay between Web Client and Community Server with fixes to prevent ping abuse.

-Misc. performance improvements, fixes, etc…

Bconomy Announcement

-I will be migrating the main server the Bconomy services are hosted on over the next few days. Expect some downtime for the web interface and Discord app.

-In the coming month, I hope to iron out any remaining bugs in the base game that are present on the Discord and Web client, as well as finish up any missing features that were dropped in the core game rewrite (faction invites, etc).

-Classic features (giving items and money, Community server GW, Faction warchest) will be returning in their original state, with no caps, restrictions, etc in place.

-"Automated" seasonal content will be added (custom Web themes, special boxes, etc) to keep the game fresh, even in long periods of decreased development.

It's fairly obvious that Bconomy has been left in a state of disrepair over the last few months. It would be an absolute shame for this project to fade away – the least I can do is patch up core functionality and apply a fresh coat of paint so that it's still enjoyable. These fixes won't happen overnight but I'll be doing my best to shore up the core gameplay in my free time or if I need a break from other endeavors. Many of these fixes may be implemented in small increments and won't be publicly announced to prevent spam.

Thanks as always.


February Community Update

Hey folks! Just wanted to provide a quick update. Unfortunately I've been recently busy as of late but be on the lookout for (hopefully) multiple updates coming out soon.

-Finger Snap rework: Becomes an innate ability at Tier I and only affects yourself
-Finger Snap perk: Boosts finger snap power and lowers cooldown rate
-Random Events comeback: Now stack with finger snap! Rarer but more meaningful
-Web Client fixes, revamp, notifications
-Return of trading/giving/market improvements
-Balance changes, especially for higher Prestige lvs

Additional note: Campaign ends on February 15th and rewards will be distributed. Be sure to squeeze out those last few quests before then!


Happy Holidays 2022! – Quick Note

Happy holidays everyone! Today's update will be rather short but just a heads up that all patrons who subscribed after the Oct 1, 2022 billing cycle have been refunded due to imbalances in the ecosystem. I was personally dissatisfied with the state of the game at that time and decided to refund all who subscribed on Patreon after that time because I felt issues in balance and quality were not addressed. You may keep any items or rewards you received from subscribing. Please do not resubscribe at this time – you will not be able to claim any rewards! We are working to reopen our Patreon page after more content is reinstated and you can resubscribe any time after. More news and updates are right around the corner, including the return of Boost Events and a complete rework/buff for Finger Snap – so stay tuned!

Another reminder that Bconomy Official Hub (linked through our website, https://bcono.my/) is the ONLY OFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER for Bconomy! Don't get scammed! We will NEVER attempt to contact you through DMs or request irrelevant information. If you need account or donation support please only open a ticket through our official server and only accept Bconomy support through our ticket system! Community server staff are not officially affiliated and as such cannot help with account issues or bug reports.

Again, a rather brief update but there's a lot coming up! Happy holidays and 2023 is looking brighter than ever 🙂
