Supporter Perks

Hey folks! This update introduces ways for players to support Bconomy financially. We’ve seen an increase in new players recently, and, along with that, server issues! That’s great! (sarcasm) Adding monetization features isn’t my favorite use of dev time, but it’s clearly necessary now for the long-term growth and survival of the game.

I’ve introduced some minor perks for those who generously support Bconomy with a few dollars each month. I will add more and more benefits to the subscription over time, and promise to keep them non-P2W for as long as possible. If Bconomy has brought you any enjoyment, I hope you’ll consider sparing a few bucks each month to keep the game alive.

This update is a bit sparse in terms of actual content. A ton of exciting features are planned for the next one, dropping March 1st! A huge expansion to the Farm, a new Season (with new Items, Global Events, and Quest Rewards to earn), and naturally dropping Specials are just on the horizon. Good things are worth waiting for!


Ball Pit

  • Ball Pit is now drawn more often, every 15 minutes (from 1 hour)


  • Noetic Pulsator global cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (from 5 minutes)


  • Potential fixes for lag issues caused by Faction recruitment system

Game Update

A game update for Bconomy has been released.



  • An unlimited amount of Farm Plots are now able to be purchased, limited only by whether you can afford the Item cost requirement
    • The new infinite upgrade scaling mechanic introduced in this update is used here: each purchase will increase the Item requirement amount and complexity required for the next one


  • An unlimited amount of Generators are now able to be purchased, limited only by whether you can afford the Item cost requirement
    • The new infinite upgrade scaling mechanic introduced in this update is used here: each purchase will increase the Item requirement amount and complexity required for the next one


  • An unlimited amount of Stables are now able to be purchased, limited only by whether you can afford the Item cost requirement
    • The new infinite upgrade scaling mechanic introduced in this update is used here: each purchase will increase the Item requirement amount and complexity required for the next one


  • Newly generated quests no longer include non-item-finding entries (most notable Ball Pit)


  • Each Boss now has a 100% chance of dropping a Special when defeated (from 50%)
  • Each Boss now drops 10 Lunar Shards when defeated (from 5)


  • Specials that add additional plots, stables, generators etc. now unlock an additional unit for free without impacting future unlock costs
  • XenoServer, Golden Lariat Specials are now usable


  • New “Used to Purchase” section added to item info page
  • Tutorial can now be started at any time from Game Manual
  • Additions to some Game Manual pages (WIP)

Game Update

A game update for Bconomy has been released.


Ball Pit

  • Introducing Ball Pit Types: Each ball pit now has a limitation for how many balls can be purchased by each user
    • Ball pit types are indicated by the color of ball during that pit
    • Ball pits with higher ball limits per user are rarer, while those with lower limits are more common
  • Web Client now receives (almost) immediate Ball Pit status updates
  • A message is now broadcast to Global chat 5 minutes before a ball pit is drawn with the current prize included

Game Update

A game update for Bconomy has been released.


Web Client

  • Introducing Hotkeys! Configure Bconomy to run any game command or navigate to a UI element when a specific key is pressed
    • Recently run commands can be mapped in the Hotkey menu in Settings (you can also define your own custom commands)
    • The default hotkey mappings can now be changed or even unset
    • This new functionality, combined with Bconomy’s existing command-driven infrastructure design, will enable power users to elevate their efficiency with near-total customization of ingame keyboard shortcuts!
  • Updated new user intro “tutorial” to be more interactive & comprehensive
  • Fixed issue with main navbar dropdown acting finicky when mouse is going in/out of its area
  • Fixed issues where custom emojis sometimes wouldn’t render correctly
  • Toggle for enabling sound added to Settings page
  • Major internal webapp restructuring, hopefully providing performance improvements

Sights and Sounds

A game update for Bconomy has been released.



  • Introducing the Bconomy Radio – a proper soundtrack for our game is finally here!
    • The Web Client now streams 70+ curated background tracks, including 2 contributed by our very own KyFer! (“Pixel Dreams”, “Tranquil Vibes”)
    • Just like a radio station, every player logged into the Web Client hears the exact same music stream
    • Soundtrack info is now displayed in Web Client’s footer when advancing to next track (Desktop only)
  • It’s so exciting to finally release the Bconomy Radio after planning its implementation for so long! As long as music streaming proves to be stable, this opens up future possibilities like song requests, seasonal soundtracks, event-based themes, and more!


  • New graphics have been introduced for some Items, replacing previous placeholder icons


  • New graphics have been introduced for all Specials, replacing previous placeholder icons

Web Client

  • Setting to enable streaming HQ audio from the Bconomy server has been added
    • This improves the quality of music played, but consumes more bandwidth (so it’s turned off by default)
  • Currently active chat channel is now preserved when web client is reloaded
  • Fine-grained volume controls for each sound category (Music, SFX) have been introduced
  • Fixed an issue where some emojis would not display properly in popup modals
  • Fixed an issue where toast notification positioning was off on mobile displays
  • Fixed an issue where some players with linked Discord accounts could not send messages in web chat