-Fixed bug with faction kicking
-Reinstated 5k BC join bonus with alt abuse prevention
-Rate limiting
-Big bets are posted to (Discord channel)
-Internal fixes
Author: Wewert
2/4 Changelog: v3.1.2
-More command shorthands
-Ability to give other users items
-New crafting recipes (no use for these yet!)
-Updated help menu
-Internal fixes
2/4 Changelog: v3.1.1
-Quality of life changes – new command shorthands, ability to use "all" when selling items or stocks
-Work and explore will no longer reset sporadically
-Many bugfixes
-Server leaderboard now properly functions
2/3 Changelog: v3.1
-New stock market! Now fetches LIVE stock data from US markets (NYSE & NASDAQ) and crypto markets (Kraken). Type "bstockmarket" to open an account and get started!
-150k maximum combined balance for bank and stock market
-Adjusted prestige perks – double stonk market capacity, 50k bank capacity
-Many bug fixes
-New shorthand commands (see bhelp allcmds!)
-Adjusted rank protection for robbing/raiding
-Adjusted explore loot chances
1/30 Changelog
-Re-adjust rank costs – all rank costs AND earn rates for all earn commands have been increased
-Decrease default transmute from 7 days cooldown to 4 days cooldown
-Increase ascend costs
-Made certain rare items easier to find
-Bank size increased to 50k for all users, interest rate adjusted downward to 20
-Prestiged users get max bank size of 100k