-Data structures for storing gendered titles have been restructured
DEV NOTE: This means that you may have lost your gendered title setting – please toggle this if so, sorry for the inconvenience!
-Boosters and donors now have the ability to set custom rank names and emojis
-Minor improvements to UI
Author: Wewert
-Complete overhaul of "branks" and "binventory" view
-Branks now shows all vital stats regarding upcoming ranks, including work, passive, insurance, special abilities, etc. in an easy to read and understand format
-Inventory now dynamically scales along with now many items you have in your backpack, adding new columns as necessary. ID will be hidden to prevent bloat once two columns are reached
-Increase vote rewards for all ranks (scale up)
-Reduced number of keywords bot responds to (ex. saying "be" in conversation will no longer trigger a bot response)
-Fix crate dupe
-Fix ratelimiter – now bot should not say "Wait a second before running another command" as often, you can quickly input multiple commands
-Cooldown menu now displays time until fully rested
-Guessing now charges up to 6 guesses every 20 minutes.
-Up to 20 crates can now be opened at a time
-Work buffs – now you will randomly receive bonuses from working
-Fix glitch preventing IDs of over 10k from being properly parsed
-Update "bhelp all" with link to webpage