-Inventory worth now accounts for crafted items
-Users now have a maximum inventory worth, trying to explore or open crates when above this will disallow the action
-Giving now respects inventory space and inventory worth
-Top prestige leaderboard now shows IDs
Author: Wewert
-Large numbers now include place commas (ex. 1000000 is rendered as 1,000,000)
-Various display tweaks
-Fix prestige leaderboard showing incorrect values
-Prestige buffs: Prestige I now has 2x bank interest, Prestige III has 2x work earnings
-Working now contributes directly to your prestige balance
-Overhauled prestige tier menu showing all relevant stats
-New command "btopprestige", allows viewing users with highest Prestige
-Balance menu now displays if you are vulnerable to robbing
-Online shield stops activating if your balance is over 3x your rank cost (this will be indicated on balance menu)
-Donors can now set a custom banner using any emoji they like (incl. animated)
-Donors with custom rank and emoji now have actual rank displayed in Info
-Slashed manifestation costs for Common and Uncommon items
-Administrative change allowing user account swaps
-Internally restructure user data storage
-Donors can now set custom embed colors
-Balance no longer shows a fake "rank up" price when you are at max rank
-"branks" now shows ascension as an option if you are at God/Goddess rank
DEV NOTE: This update lays the groundwork for a prestige system overhaul. Expect buffs to prestige tiers in the coming updates!
-Donors now can set custom taglines and use faction banners to display on their balance (see "bhelp all 7")
-Donors can now use animated emotes in their balance display, even if they do not have Discord Nitro