1/10 Changelog

-Bot prefix is now "b"
-New work/explore functions! Explore has a cooldown of 30 seconds, and is more interactive than the previous explore. Old "explore" function has been renamed to "work" and features somewhat lower income (this is more than made up by the "explore" function)
-Rank cost rebalances
-Removed "setserverprefix" command
-Fixed glitch where users could join (Discord channel) and farm 5k BC bonuses under certain circumstances
-Fixed glitch where "createfaction" and "changefactionname" commands would not execute
-Nerfed naval fleets – 33% instead of 50% of unit price earned
-Implemented seaplanes – each seaplane decreases exp time by 4 hours
-Max faction level cap raised to level 20
-Max user count per faction raised to 12