Game Update

A game update for Bconomy has been released.

Server Upgrades

Over the past week, I’ve been busy deploying major infrastructure changes to the game’s backend, made possible by contributions from our Supporters! It hasn’t been the smoothest process, but I’m happy to report that most issues have been ironed out and things have stabilized. The game should now feel more responsive. Be sure to thank a Supporter next time your boosted Actions run without any lag!

Upcoming Changes

  • Amplifiers (Calibrated, Arbitrary) will have their multiplier decreased to 2x (from 3x)
    • This change will take effect on March 1st


Loot Actions

  • All Specials currently in-game are now discoverable through Loot Actions
    • Finding one earns you a Trophy, gets logged, and broadcasts a message to all players


  • Manage Pets: A new interface for pets, with quick actions for Feed (All/Craving), Levelup, Reincarnate and Adventure Type
    • A “feedall” command was initially planned, but I faced difficulty while designing it (how to customize which pets to feed? which to prioritize? which foods to feed first?) so this menu has been implemented as an alternative
    • It should make managing pet logistics more intuitive, with a concise overview shown to the player – diving into sub-menus is no longer needed for routine tasks
  • Level up operation now increases Pet’s levels by maximum possible
  • Pets no longer have a chance to reroll their craved food when levelling up
  • Craving Bonus multiplier decreased to 8x (from 12x)
  • Opening a Pet’s info card is now instant (no longer triggers a load)
  • Eggs dropped from Loot Action are now always of the type of that Action
    • For ex. getting an egg from Mine always yields a Mine Egg
  • A player’s first egg will now always be of Fish type


  • Bconomy Sourcecode can now be used to duplicate any item (except Lunar Shard), granting you an additional 1 billion BC worth of that item
  • Obscure Sigil can now be used to extend all non-global active Loot Action multipliers (namely Item and Personal Boosts), each by a random duration between 1-2 hours


  • Ball Pit now draws every 20 minutes (from 15)
  • PP gained from transmutation now rounds down from BC value

Game Patch

A game patch for Bconomy has been released. There aren’t any new features in this patch, but issues that needed immediate resolution have been fixed. Once again, a major game update will be dropping March 1st with a new Season, new Specials and new Items. Let’s get hyped!

And… THANK YOU SUPPORTERS! With your financial support, a huge server upgrade is now in the works, which should resolve our lag issues for a LONG time. Much larger than I originally planned thanks to your generosity. I’ll also be able to add mechanics that require heavier computations (reintroducing higher multipliers, more realtime features). I’ll announce planned downtime for when this upgrade is happening. The future is looking bright because of you guys! Love you. Seriously. 🥺



  • Noetic Pulsator cooldown increased to 5 minutes (from 2 minutes)


  • Eggs from the wild now drop each type (Fish, Hunt, Explore, Mine) in equal proportions


  • Entries per page increased to 15 (from 10)
  • Name and leaderboard value are now formatted side-by-side, in the same row
  • Pets Leaderboard is now ordered by Lifetime Items Found stat

Supporter Perks

  • Message Background Colors: Set custom colors for the background of each chat message you send
  • New Name Style: Radiant
  • Supporters can now set customizations for an owned Faction, including Tag Color, Name Color, Name Style and Emblem
    • These customizations will be disabled if the owner’s perks expire
  • Improved preview on Customization menu
  • Name customizations are now displayed on Profiles, Leaderboard, Faction Members, and several other UI elements


  • Improvements to data fetching logic, hopefully decreasing lag
  • Fixed bug allowing 3 Amplifiers to be active at once
  • Fixed bug preventing faction tag reset

Supporter Perks

Hey folks! This update introduces ways for players to support Bconomy financially. We’ve seen an increase in new players recently, and, along with that, server issues! That’s great! (sarcasm) Adding monetization features isn’t my favorite use of dev time, but it’s clearly necessary now for the long-term growth and survival of the game.

I’ve introduced some minor perks for those who generously support Bconomy with a few dollars each month. I will add more and more benefits to the subscription over time, and promise to keep them non-P2W for as long as possible. If Bconomy has brought you any enjoyment, I hope you’ll consider sparing a few bucks each month to keep the game alive.

This update is a bit sparse in terms of actual content. A ton of exciting features are planned for the next one, dropping March 1st! A huge expansion to the Farm, a new Season (with new Items, Global Events, and Quest Rewards to earn), and naturally dropping Specials are just on the horizon. Good things are worth waiting for!


Ball Pit

  • Ball Pit is now drawn more often, every 15 minutes (from 1 hour)


  • Noetic Pulsator global cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (from 5 minutes)


  • Potential fixes for lag issues caused by Faction recruitment system