Spring Fling (Spring 2025)

A new Season has arrived in Bconomy: Spring Fling, the Spring 2025 Event! The snow’s melting, plants are peeking out of the soil, quests have been reset and progression for the new Season has been enabled. With this update comes a slew of new Items and game balance adjustments.

Revamps to the Farm, additional functionality for both new and old Items, a UI refresh, and more exciting features will be arriving over the next couple weeks. I’d hoped that these would have been ready for release by today, but they’re not polished to a level I’m satisfied with yet. Some Items added in this update don’t have uses as a result, but their place in the game will make more sense soon. In the meantime, enjoy the new Season and, as always, thanks for playing!



  • The Spring 2025 Season has begun! Quests have been unlocked, progression has been reset for all players, and new Rewards are available to earn.
    • Trophies have been distributed to the top 10 players of last Season by Quest Level (Congrats to the #1 player, REDRUM#21267)


  • Active buddy loot action multiplier increase per level decreased to 0.001x (from ~0.002x)


  • Maximum FP drain per second increased to 1,500,000 FP/s (from 1,200,000)


  • New Items:
    • Exquisite Trunk: On use, yields very rare items including Diamonds, Oysters, Platinum and Lucky Charms
    • Magic Conch, Untamed Spirit, Seraphic Clasp and Condemned Skull: Rare items that provide 2x boosts to their respective Loot Actions for 4 hours
    • Fragrant Dogrose, Mystical Rowan, Legendary Aguaje: Items that provide temporary boosts to a Pet’s Adventure Speed and Energy Capacity
      • These Items will be rarely yielded from harvested crops in a future update
    • Reaper’s Scythe, Green/Amber/Purple/Red Gemerald: Rare items that will have uses in coming updates
    • Rainmaking Amulet, Gilded Manure, Industrial Fertilizer, Experimental Fertilizer: Standard items that will have uses in coming updates


  • Karmic Reputation (KR): A new currency gained by hosting Giveaways
    • One KR is gained for every 1,000,000 BC worth of Items given away
      • Rare Items given away have a 10x KR Bonus on top of their base worth
    • Loosely inspired by the community’s Reputation system, KR is a way to incentivize high-level players to “give back” to the playerbase by running Giveaways
    • KR will be usable to buy permanent cosmetics like exclusive Pet modifiers, UI/Profile themes, special Trophies, and more
      • Cosmetics available to purchase will be time-limited and rotate based on the current Season but, once bought, will be owned permanently

(Re) Introducing Giveaways

A game update for Bconomy has been released.


Players who’ve been around for a while know that Bconomy’s community was built on giveaways. Giveaways run by the developer (me) were a previous feature of our Discord server that drew in new players. Later, player-run giveaways emerged as a central feature of our community, and had their own unique metagame and culture around hosting and participating in them. I’m hoping to bring some of that back with this update.

Giveaways are now integrated in Bconomy, fully automated so community members don’t have to devote hours of their time to running them. Supporters are now able to host Giveaways and broadcast a global message when starting one. The system is a bit limited to test the waters but I hope to add more features (like Faction-only giveaways, shorter durations) if things work out.

This highly requested feature has been in the works for a LONG time. While the game is a bit less hectic I thought it’d be a good time to release it. Don’t worry, the new Season is up next. It’ll release today? Tomorrow? The day after? The suspense is mounting…



  • Giveaways have been released
    • New “Given Away” statistic tracks BC worth given away


  • Wait required to buy balls after pit is drawn reduced to 5 seconds (from 2 minutes)
  • Chat box now limits characters entered to prevent being cut off after being sent
  • Pet-related pages now have pagination in an attempt to address performance issues

Game Patch

A game patch for Bconomy has been released.

New Season

Hey folks! Hope everyone’s had a great weekend. Just wanted to provide an update regarding the upcoming Season, originally scheduled to launch yesterday:

If you’ve been actively playing the past week, you may have noticed some… “balance issues” that need to be addressed. The rewards for this new Season weren’t designed with the game’s current faster pacing in mind and I’ll need some additional time to ensure that progress for this Season feels rewarding before release. I’ve also been much busier with infrastructure updates and behind-the-scenes work than expected, which means I haven’t finished implementing every features planned yet.

I’m hoping to release the new Season’s quests and rewards in the next 2-3 days. Some of the planned game mechanic updates may be coming a little bit later. I apologize for this delay, but I want to make sure the game feels good to play first and foremost before anything else. Thank you for your patience and understanding 🙂



  • Magic Token now grants a 10x multiplier to your Buddy’s Energy Capacity and Adventure Speed for 24 hours on use


  • Amplifier boost multiplier effect reduced to 2x (from 3x)


  • Manage Pets interface now segregates level/craving related actions into two button slots and displays Tier alongside Level


  • Significantly reduced amount of “You’re doing that too fast!” popups when attempting to run actions
  • Fixed a bug where multi-levelups of a Pet caused Items Found to “time travel” forward
  • Fixed “Feed All” button causing error when Pet feeding would surpass Energy Capacity
  • Fixed web client crashing when attempting to fetch Pet data from server

Game Update

A game update for Bconomy has been released.

Server Upgrades

Over the past week, I’ve been busy deploying major infrastructure changes to the game’s backend, made possible by contributions from our Supporters! It hasn’t been the smoothest process, but I’m happy to report that most issues have been ironed out and things have stabilized. The game should now feel more responsive. Be sure to thank a Supporter next time your boosted Actions run without any lag!

Upcoming Changes

  • Amplifiers (Calibrated, Arbitrary) will have their multiplier decreased to 2x (from 3x)
    • This change will take effect on March 1st


Loot Actions

  • All Specials currently in-game are now discoverable through Loot Actions
    • Finding one earns you a Trophy, gets logged, and broadcasts a message to all players


  • Manage Pets: A new interface for pets, with quick actions for Feed (All/Craving), Levelup, Reincarnate and Adventure Type
    • A “feedall” command was initially planned, but I faced difficulty while designing it (how to customize which pets to feed? which to prioritize? which foods to feed first?) so this menu has been implemented as an alternative
    • It should make managing pet logistics more intuitive, with a concise overview shown to the player – diving into sub-menus is no longer needed for routine tasks
  • Level up operation now increases Pet’s levels by maximum possible
  • Pets no longer have a chance to reroll their craved food when levelling up
  • Craving Bonus multiplier decreased to 8x (from 12x)
  • Opening a Pet’s info card is now instant (no longer triggers a load)
  • Eggs dropped from Loot Action are now always of the type of that Action
    • For ex. getting an egg from Mine always yields a Mine Egg
  • A player’s first egg will now always be of Fish type


  • Bconomy Sourcecode can now be used to duplicate any item (except Lunar Shard), granting you an additional 1 billion BC worth of that item
  • Obscure Sigil can now be used to extend all non-global active Loot Action multipliers (namely Item and Personal Boosts), each by a random duration between 1-2 hours


  • Ball Pit now draws every 20 minutes (from 15)
  • PP gained from transmutation now rounds down from BC value

Game Patch

A game patch for Bconomy has been released. There aren’t any new features in this patch, but issues that needed immediate resolution have been fixed. Once again, a major game update will be dropping March 1st with a new Season, new Specials and new Items. Let’s get hyped!

And… THANK YOU SUPPORTERS! With your financial support, a huge server upgrade is now in the works, which should resolve our lag issues for a LONG time. Much larger than I originally planned thanks to your generosity. I’ll also be able to add mechanics that require heavier computations (reintroducing higher multipliers, more realtime features). I’ll announce planned downtime for when this upgrade is happening. The future is looking bright because of you guys! Love you. Seriously. 🥺



  • Noetic Pulsator cooldown increased to 5 minutes (from 2 minutes)


  • Eggs from the wild now drop each type (Fish, Hunt, Explore, Mine) in equal proportions


  • Entries per page increased to 15 (from 10)
  • Name and leaderboard value are now formatted side-by-side, in the same row
  • Pets Leaderboard is now ordered by Lifetime Items Found stat

Supporter Perks

  • Message Background Colors: Set custom colors for the background of each chat message you send
  • New Name Style: Radiant
  • Supporters can now set customizations for an owned Faction, including Tag Color, Name Color, Name Style and Emblem
    • These customizations will be disabled if the owner’s perks expire
  • Improved preview on Customization menu
  • Name customizations are now displayed on Profiles, Leaderboard, Faction Members, and several other UI elements


  • Improvements to data fetching logic, hopefully decreasing lag
  • Fixed bug allowing 3 Amplifiers to be active at once
  • Fixed bug preventing faction tag reset