-All Bcoins IDs have been moved down 100.
-Multiple bug fixes
-Faction emblems are now displayed in emoji form on "btf" and your balance
-Multiple bug fixes
-Partial rewriting of how user data is handled – premium users now must re-verify
-Giveaway BC per month increased for donors
-Donors can now set custom faction banners
-Lottery is now draw every 6 hours instead of 24hrs.
-Fix lottery achievements
-Lottery cooldown after game end has been removed
-All Godlike+ donor servers now will allow for ALL users in that server to use donor customization commands (custom color, banner, emoji, tagline, etc). These will only display in that server however.
-"RNGesus" achievement decreased from 10 to 8 streak
-New achievement: "Grow Op"
-More keywords now work (ex. "work tools" is valid in addition to "tools")
-Fix insurances able to be non-integer values
-Achievements now grant Crate rewards upon finishing an entire page.
-Fix intermittent crashes