1/28 Changelog

-Hosting changes (better uptime)
-Loot table adjustments for explore
-Faction logs are enabled! Type "bfaclogs" to view faction logs.
-Minor faction log fixes
-Fixed glitch with faction invites

1/19 Changelog

-Minimum insurance set to 15k for all users
-Limit global leaderboard pages to 15
-Adjust bank interest to 30% daily compounded
-Fix leaderboard display
-Internal fixes

1/18 Changelog

-Bank interest default raised to 40% (80% for prestiged users)
-Robbing users now resets their cooldown to 4 hours (no more chain robbing)
-Various bugfixes

1/12 Changelog

-New command "bfixbalance" to fix incorrect/corrupt user balances
-Fixed this server's BC join bonus
-More donor perks implemented
-Begin porting database to MySQL
-Fixed "double register command" glitch
-Upgraded bot's internal libraries (now running djs-light-v12) (I haven't fully tested this but it should work so please let me know if any new bugs crop up)