Bconomy “Zero”

-Renamed Fertilizer to "Manure" and it is no longer craftable, instead it's Hunt loot. Re-enabled for use on crops (-30M for all).

-Fixed Hard Drives not being able to be used multiple times in one command, and not updating Web UI when used.

-Fixed Tractor autoharvest added # being inaccurate on send message.

Bconomy “Zero” – Update 4

Giving Money and Items Re-Enabled!

To use: Visit the #marketplace channel in the Bcommunity Discord Server and use the command bgivemoney or bgiveitem. Currently this command only works in the Community server and requires both sender and recipient to have Prestige 1 or higher. These restrictions will be lifted or modified as I monitor the commands.

Large Bug and UI Fixes

Discord Client:

Fixed crashes on viewing cooldowns from Discord.

Farm view now shows autoharvested crops since last check and Generators now shows earnings from last claim, OR time until next claim – thanks @stackrstarve1500 for reporting!

Autosell fixed (for real this time) – ty @stackrstarve1500 for report

You can now confirm Bcommands executed on Discord.

Other general fixes and improvements also implemented.

Bconomy “Zero”

-Updates to random events and action boosts to be slightly less common, slightly lower rewards/multipliers, and add more funny messages

-Fix numerous bugs:

Autosell not toggleable from Discord client (Thanks @stackrstarve1500)

Long-term Bank bugs (losing money on withdraw, not useable from Discord client)
NOTE: If you lost money from this please open a support request if you have not already

-Temporarily disabled Prestige view from Discord client to prevent confusion

-Misc improvements

Bconomy “Zero”

-Fixed certain items not displaying properly on Discord client

-Fixed certain button interacts causing errors (in Market All view and Item Info view)

Thank you @henpod__5 for reporting!

Bconomy “Zero” – Update 3

-New Events: Random Events and Action Boosts

Random Events spawn randomly in chat and last for 15 minutes. Anyone who sends a message in chat from Discord or the Web Client in the meantime receives the rewards.

Action Boosts replace the Finger Snaps and will cause for boosts from 3x (more common) to 20x (rarer). Like Finger Snaps, these stack with item boosts (for ex. 10x Mine Boost + 4x Diamond Pick = 40x Boost)

-Web UI has been updated with improvements, and a live display of active boosts, and total boost multiplier on top of action buttons. Actions no longer log into the General channel (Console only).