
-Decreased generator buy price and overheat rate
-Decreased Uranium rarity slightly
-Vote crate scaling adjusted (max 20 at God rank)
-Prestige users now get 20 crates at all ranks
-Prestige users can now add gen slots at any rank


-Increase base explore rate and work earnings for lower ranks
-Increase chances of work bonuses (raises)
-Uranium is now less rare

v5.7.10 – Generators Update Phase 2

-Release of Generator Upgrades – see bgen upgrades or bhelp gens for more info
-Overheat Risk slightly decreased
-Mining loot table adjusted to drop more metals
-Renamed "Server Rack" to "Machine Casing"
-Introducing Autosell – Any items you gain from exp/mine/fish/hunt over your max item limit will be automatically sold
-Price of Uranium decreased
-Adjusted some mining recipes
bhelp now supports some aliases
-Various other adjustments


-Updated bloot to now display loot from all commands
-Cooldowns menu now uses circles and generator CD works properly.
-Multiple gen bugfixes
-Some metals can now be melted down in the Forge
-Included more information on gen help menu